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Private Remote Healing

I am a dedicated counsellor and psychotherapist with extensive training and experience. I trained in the Principals of Art Therapy and work with each individual in a creative and imaginative manner. Over the years, I have specialised in supporting individuals who have experienced sexual violence and trauma, experience working in a rape crisis center to provide compassionate and effective care. I have expanded my practice to include Star Magic Healing, This allows me to offer a holistic approach to healing, addressing the mind, body, and soul across past, present, and future dimensions to shed the layers of programming and stuff we have acquired because of fear. I understand that healing goes deeper than just this lifetime to become a whole and integrated soul and being. By integrating these methods, I aim to support my clients in their journey towards healing and well-being on a profound, quantum level using all of my skills acquired over the years.


With this profound healing techniques, clear coaching, and unwavering commitment to empowering others to remember who they truly are and step into their power, to create a world where everyone recognises their innate power and shapes their own destiny.


We are creator of our own realities, are you ready to stand in your power?


How Does Star Magic Work?

Star Magic Healing is a powerful, multidimensional healing modality that merges the science of subtle energy and quantum physics with the incredible power of focused intent. Through using high-vibrational, star-encoded frequencies, Star Magic facilitates healing on a cellular level while enabling deep emotional detoxification and expansion in consciousness. You will be empowered to challenge yourself, tap into your true potential and live your purpose. Expect to experience physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual upgrades. Expect your life to change.


Louise, Ire

"I found Aisling very professional and reassuring. At first, I was quite nervous, but Aisling reassured me it was okay to do this for myself. During the session, I felt pins and needles, goosebumps, and a sensation in my feet traveling up my legs, yet I was very relaxed. I woke up just as it ended, smiling and feeling so light.

It's only been a few days, but I find myself much more relaxed about things that previously overwhelmed me, seeing joy rather than dread, and laughing more than I have in a long time. My sense of hopelessness is slowly fading, and I feel like myself again. Aisling is truly magical, giving off nothing but good intentions and welcoming your soul with openness and understanding. I would definitely be open to star magic healing again and look forward to watching myself return without unnecessary thoughts and pressures holding me back!"

Steve, Ire

Aisling is a fantastic,compassionate and highly accute therapist, who is gracefull in all walks of life. I came to her with severe lower back issues and a few other minor health issues. After booking in with her for a healing session witch had been mainly just for physical symptoms at the time of consultation my world was completely flipped upside down in the best of ways. A smoker of a box a day for the last 10 years  with numerous attempts to quit with nothing but failure i find myself off them for the last 3 months with absoloutley no cravings at all whatsoever! Aisling is a master in her field and not only did my physical symptoms heal so did parts of my soul. A new found energy for the wrold has been awakened within me and not only that she makes you feel SOO cared for when you are with her, she listens contently and is always happy to help. I highly highly recommend her especially as i got more than my moneys worth in the one session and have saved even more money since i have had it.



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