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Gold Package 

Are you ready to change your life?

I will accompany and guide you through a 6 month Intensive programme of Healing, Coaching and Integration drawing from my broad array of experience.


You have the strength to not only withstand life's adversities but also to transform them into opportunities for personal growth

with x20 Counselling Sessions

Healing Sessions

A total of x22 private healing sessions. 30mins each across the 6 months


My aim is to hold space for you to find direction/purpose and clarity and how integrate this into your daily life. Over the course of 6 months we will have x2 integration sessions post healing.

Invest in you!

Over the course of the 6 months I will hold space for you to dive deep into self exploration and hold space for the deepest tiggers, traumas, problem area's in your life through weekly talk therapies and art therapy my aim is to facilitate deep, profound and lasting healing for you to thrive in life forever more.


To co-inside with this process I will facilitate private healing sessions that will be focused on what comes up over the course of the 6 months. 


I will facilitate 2 Integration sessions, the first at 3 months and the second at the ending of the process, a space for you to gain tools and for you to bring these lasting changes into your life, how to come back to centre/ Thrive and navigate any life wobbles.



x20 Counselling/Psychotherapy Sessions (1hr Session)

Individually tailored to your specific needs drawing from my years of training and experience working with a wide array of clients. 


Tailored Guided Meditations.


x22 Private Healing Sessions (30mins each)


x2 Integration sessions (1.5hr Sessions)

 We will use Art/Creativity and talk therapies to integrate our experiences and take them forward in our lives to be the Empowered Divine God and Goddess you truly are. 




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Investment: €3,330

Payment Plans Available.

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